(519) 656-2946 office@mvmchurch.ca

Responsible Re-gathering!
Maple View Mennonite Church

We are committed to meeting and exceeding Ontario government guidelines. Keeping at least 2 metres (6 feet) distance between people of different households, we believe about 55 people can meet in our sanctuary, with  more in overflow seating. If, at any time, live gatherings prove un-manageable or un-safe, we will adjust accordingly.

If you are not sure about attending in-person – no problem! We plan to continue to provide on-line and phone access to our worship services.  

The first part (public portion) of our service will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel as soon as possible after the service ends.

Anyone not attending in-person can participate online or by phone through the instructions in our bulletin.

Registration will take place on arrival. Your attendance indicates your willingness to abide by the following guidelines

On Arrival:

  1. Please park your vehicle, exit and move to the building as a household. Kindly refrain from dropping off your family members at the church entrance while you park in order to remain together. 
  2. Enter through the marked entrance on the right at either front or back of the building, respecting physical distance (2 metres/6 feet between households) as you enter the building. Please follow the floor markings. Our ushers will direct you. A COVID-19 Task Force member(s) will be available at the table to register and provide direction, answer questions, and assist pacing traffic to the washrooms. 
  3. Attendance will be taken to ensure we do not exceed our permitted building capacity.
  4. An usher will lead your household to your seats. Please carefully follow this direction, so we can use our space safely and efficiently.
  5. Households will be seated together, spaced at least 2 metres (6 feet) apart. 
  6. If more than one service on a Sunday morning, the first service will use one set of seats, and the second service others.
  7. In all interactions, please keep at least 2 metres (6 feet) apart from others and wear a mask. Refrain from shaking hands, hugging and other touch.
  8. The nursery, library and board room remain closed and locked. The water cooler will not be available. 
  9. The gym, foyer, Maple Room, Sunday School classes and kitchen will be used for overflow purposes.
  10. No offering will be collected. Please continue to give using the three existing options: online, e-transfer, or cheque mailing. 2 locked drop boxes have been added in the building to allow for in-person offering.
  11. The washrooms by the kitchen will be available if needed, with regular cleaning provided by an attendant. Children in need of the washroom must be accompanied by a parent. 
  12. The wheelchair accessible / family restroom will have a plastic chair in it and be reserved for mothers with young children. It will be disinfected by an attendant frequently.
  13. Hangers are available for use but please physical distance. 
  14. There will be no hymn books or pamphlets available, no toys for children, no playing in the gym or using the sports equipment. 

When Leaving:

At the end of the service please leave the building as directly as possible through the appropriate marked door (on your right).  Because opportunities to connect socially remain so limited, we encourage you to visit friends and family (with appropriate physical distancing) in homes or other safe places. Porch or yard visits are a wonderful way to ease that sense of isolation.

Mask/Face Covering Protocol

  1. Please bring your own mask and/or shield if possible. If you do not yet have one, we intend to have single use masks available.
  2. Face covering is required indoors except for young children, people with disabilities or relevant medical conditions.
  3. Leaders / presenters on stage do not need to wear a mask but must be more than 2 metres (6 feet) away from others on stage and 4 metres (12 feet) from the closest congregants – so the front seats will remain unused.

Music Ministry

Singing projects respiratory droplets much further than speaking, so only those leading music ministry can sing (up to 3 people) during the worship service. Multiple instruments can be played if musicians and singers are at least 4 metres (12 feet) from the congregation and 2 metres (6 feet) from those on stage or if they are from the same household. Multiple singers can pre-record music if they observe physical distancing with no audience.

Announcements, Sharing & Prayer

The sound operator / online moderator will enable remote participants to speak or share written messages during the service, getting the attention of the leader by raising a hand. They will then activate the mic for the electronic participants which will then also be heard over the sound system.

A mic will NOT be passed around in the sanctuary. Instead, there will be a mic at the back, and various mics at the front to use without touching.  

Cleaning Protocol

Handled by our support team

  1. Prop all doors open.
  2. Hand-sanitizer placed at entrances and throughout.
  3. Disinfect handles, railings, contact points.
  4. Washroom attendants to disinfect faucets, toilet handles and seats frequently.
  5. Signs to be posted in washrooms about hand washing procedure / best practices.
  6. Trustees will manage air flow. Only one door at the front and back will be open to minimize flies and help regulate temperature. One will be open during entrance time, then closed. Another will be open for exit time, then closed.
  7. Lapel mics will not be shared or will be disinfected between uses.

For the Sake of Your Own Health and Others, Please Refrain From Attending If: 

  1. You have any of these symptoms: fever, difficulty breathing, chills, cough, sore throat, runny nose, abnormal fatigue or if you have been around someone with these symptoms.
  2. Your immune system is compromised, or you are dealing with other health conditions
  3. You regularly go to a hospital or health centre for treatment.
  4. You have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14 days.

Please prioritize your own health and the health of others.

If your work puts you in high risk of contact with coronavirus carriers, takes you out of the country, or puts you in regular contact with those working in high risk areas or who have travelled, please be exceptionally vigilant in following public health recommendations.

We grateful acknowledge content adapted from Faith Mennonite Church and other sources.

Maple View COVID-19 Task Force

Patty Albrecht, Donna Jantzi, John and Mallory Jantzi, Brent Kipfer, Jonathan Koch, Scott Roes and Jesse Gerber